Plant and Tissue Tests
Plant analysis is important as a complement to regular soil tests. It gives you a ‘plant’s eye’ view of your operation. You may have symptoms of a defiency and you want to work out what the problem is, or you may want to monitor your crop or pasture in order to pick up potential problems before symptoms appear. Results are given with desirable levels that have been developed from Australian research, as well as a table of excesses and insufficiencies. SWEP also provides a graph of the results, so you can quickly assess the situation and see what interactions between nutrients may be contributing to a problem.
Please download our submission form (below) which includes instructions for taking and sending your samples to us. For further instructions please click on our Plant Sampling Guides below. You can pay online or send payment along with your samples.
PT-1 Plant Tissue Analysis
A three-page report gives results for all major and trace elements, plus deviations from desirable ranges. Rapid turnaround times mean that plant testing can assist decision-making within just a few days of a problem arising or an intended fertiliser application.
This package includes: Total Nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, S, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Co, B, Mo), Desirable levels, a guide to nutrient imbalances. Analysis is by wet digestion (not ashing).
Additional options available.
Download this form, fill it in and post with your plant tissue samples.
Collecting Plant Tissue Samples
The collection of plant tissue samples is done for one of two reasons:
- Diagnosis of plant nutrition problems (comprising material showing the particular symptomsto the greatest extent)
- Monitoring of crop health (comprising material from a ‘typical’ part of the block or plantation -normally covering about 0.5 -1.0 hectare). See Figure 1 below.
- For monitoring, it is usual to make up the sample with fully expanded leaves taken as close as possibleto shoot tips. For Diagnosis, choose material that is exhibiting symptoms of the problem.In both cases (for tree and vine crops), take four leaves per plant and, where practical, with one fromeach quarter (ie. North, South, East and West).
Where possible, it is best to follow an X or zigzag path through the block (Figures 2 & 3), placing leaves or other sample material directly into a plain brown paper bag.
Usually, a sample comprised of 30-100 leaves (depending mainly on the leaf size) will be sufficient. Take special care of the following points:
- Do not sample from plants under temperature or water stress. Sampling before 10am is preferred.- Avoid sampling leaves after flowering or after shoot growth has stopped, unless the particular crop has a specific time requirement (eg. Vines at 75% flowering)..- Before taking the sample, wash hands thoroughly or wear disposable plastic gloves.- Do not send wet material as it may begin to rot in transit.- Preferably send the material straight away. If this is not possible, refrigerate the samples (but do not freeze) in its paper bag until it can be sent.- Each sample should represent a separate area and therefore will be charged per test/bag.
Ordering SWEP Plant Tissue Tests Online
Plant Tissue Test Package (Australian Orders only)
Plant Tissue Analysis (PT-1) $132.00 AUD
SWEP offer Secure Online Payment with PayPal for online ordering of plant tissue tests (our usual payment methods are still available too). Please note, not all options are available via PayPal – for our complete range of tests and options please click here and follow the submission directions for other payment methods.
NB. Prices below are in Australian Dollars (AUD), and do not include Australian GST. For Australian residents using PayPal, this will be automatically added as you go.
Important: Since not everyone needs a sample kit to send their samples, we do not automatically send a kit when orders are received via PayPal. If you are ordering tests and would like a sample kit, please contact us to request one. Kits are FREE and will be sent as soon as your request is received.
Ordering Instructions:
After clicking on one of the Add to Basket buttons you will be directed to the PayPal site and a simple 5-step process:
Step 1: Purchase details. The details of your purchase will appear in a new window. Here you have two choices – either proceed with the payment process or (if you want to add more items) continue to select other tests or optional items.
Step 2: Payment method. Once you are ready to proceed you can either use a PayPal account, or your credit card details.
Step 3: Your details. Here you will be asked for your postal address details (the place you want us to send the test report) and either your credit card or PayPal account details (depending on your choice in step 2). It is important to complete all details.
Step 4: Review details. Here you can check the details you have entered and make corrections if necessary. Once you click Continue, you will be returned to the SWEP website.
Step 5: Confirmation email. You will receive notification of your purchase details by email.
Important: Please print a copy of your email notification from PayPal and enclose it with the sample(s) as proof of purchase.
NB. Prices above do not include Australian GST. For Australian residents, this will be added during the payment process.